A Virtual Reality Guide For Schools Worldwide

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Never before have virtual college campus tours mattered more, and never before have they been so accessible. The pandemic has driven high schoolers online for their college search, while faster internet and better technology have given more students access to virtual campus tours. For universities without a virtual campus tour (or with one that feels out of date), making a new virtual campus tour may feel daunting, but the process has actually never been easier! Campus 360 and Sunrise International are here to help, and we’ve just released an updated do-it-yourself guide for schools that want to make their own virtual campus tour for free or on a tight budget!

The guide begins with a few highlights and a primer for anyone new to immersive media. We explain major trends in VR, AR, and other immersive media in an easy-to-read format for admissions offices, university leadership, and even savvy college students who want to pitch in and help. The Campus 360 DIY guide offers some insight into how best to use VR to attract high school students, from live guided virtual campus visits to college fairs to personally tailored email campaigns to supercharged social media. Finally, the virtual college campus touring platforms offers a list of what schools need to make their own virtual college campus tour. Interested parties should read the guide in full, but for those still intimidated, the list isn’t too long. Colleges just need:

  • A VR camera.

  • A tripod.

  • A portable power bank, extra SD cards, and labels.

  • A college map and a pen.

  • Sunshine and access to the coolest spots on campus.

The step-by-step instructions for recording and creating a virtual reality campus tour are simple and guaranteed to help schools keep up with the changing landscape. For schools on a tight budget (or none at all!), Campus 360 offers free hosting for simple virtual tours and is also a free resource for students who want a centralized place to browse different virtual college tours. However, the guide also outlines how schools that want to further invest in immersive digital recruitment, a necessity as VR weaves more and more finely into daily life, can take advantage of Campus 360’s advanced features. Gone are the days of prohibitively expensive virtual reality campaigning, and whether schools want more locations, higher resolution, pop-up stories, customized headsets, or guided live virtual tours, Campus 360 offers spectacular services. The guide even gives a sneak peak into the potential of augmented reality, whereby virtual media is overlaid onto the visible physical world that surrounds a person - pretty soon, this technology, previously relegated to Pokemon Go, is going to change the world. Schools need to get ready, and Campus 360 is prepared.

Campus 360’s guide is the key to navigating this changing world, and Campus 360 is the best partner for a school trying to bring its college tour to life - it’s the only college touring platform available everywhere in the world, including behind China’s Great Firewall, and it offers services no other virtual campus touring platform provides. Schools would be wise to read the guide today and embrace the power of VR. Questions? Reach out to the Campus 360 team at info@campus360.org!