Download Our 2020 China Digital Strategies White Paper

Thank you for your interest in our 2020 China Digital Review. You can download the white paper and watch the webinar featuring the research highlights with the link below:

Download the White Paper and Webinar Recording.

Quick Takeaways:

Chinese students are getting study abroad info online now more than ever - before the pandemic, 70% of student relied on local internet search or social media.

With WeChat and Toutiao, the future of search is social, and the future of social is searchable - Toutiao search volume increased 2.5 times from mid-2018 to mid-2019 alone.

Video-based social media platforms Douyin and Bilibili have 550 and 150 million monthly active users respectively, demonstrating how vital video content has become.

Virtual reality is everywhere, from social media to the campus tour, with an estimated $10 billion in XR spending in China by 2023.

Teleconferencing over Zoom is precarious in China, with the platform being blocked for part of 2019 and new individual user registrations being banned this year.