Tulane Freeman School of Business
WeChat Lite
Chinese Website Development
Basic China SEO
AR Cards Development
AR Cards
What We Did
WeChat Official Account - We managed content for their WeChat official account, including content translation and editing. We also posted this content on a regular schedule.
Localized Chinese Website - Design, translation, and .cn domain hosting
SEO - We composed blog posts on Baidu Jingyan (a popular blog platform), Baidu Tieba (a major BBS), Douban, and Tianya (two popular online forums). We also published articles on mainstream media platforms such as Baidu Zhidao (the Chinese equivalent of Reddit), featuring two keywords chosen for mobile search optimization.
AR Cards - We designed two versions of AR cards for Tulane University Freeman of Business. Using Immersive experience and integrating videos and information into the augmented card.
Tulane Freeman School of Business wanted to build a closer relationship with Chinese students and companies. The official WeChat account and school website have served as great marketing tools for them to update their target audience on the latest school news. In addition, AR cards and related media services have further improved outreach globally.
We verified the Tulane School of Business account as an official account of an overseas university entity and set up a menu as always-on content where users can search for key information. Furthermore, we ensure the account is updated monthly with the latest school news and information, keeping our community informed and engaged.
We created two AR cards for A.B. Freeman School of Business. In both two cards, there are main icons and social links included. They showcase Graduate Business Degree Options, Upcoming events, Fellowship Opportunities, and Career Information.
We built the Virtual Tour pages with 31 stops and 30 stories. In certain pages, we included stories pop up with detailed descriptions.