Sunrise Student Connection

Online Registration Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Sunrise Student Connection! By selecting “accept” on the online registration page (, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Events and services are operated by Sunrise International Education Inc., 8 Dongdaqiao Road, Building 4, Suite 2802, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China (“SUNRISE”, or “PARTY A”)

2. You certify that you are authorized to represent your institution (“PARTY B”), and that said institution is the same entity as the one that you are registering for Sunrise services.

3. Definitions:

A. Student Competition Event is defined as a private education expo operated in collaboration with an extracurricular competition such as a debate tournament, entrepreneurship competition, or Model United Nations conference, lasting for at least 2.5 days.

B. Engagement Tour is defined as an 11-day tour of 2-4 cities, featuring two Student Competition Events, each on consecutive weekends, as well as a series of visits to high school campuses wherein Sunrise coordinates lectures and presentations to groups of students taking place during the intervening workweek.

C. Virtual Participation is defined as a service wherein Sunrise will connect a sponsor with participants of an Student Competition Event by recognizing PARTY B as a sponsor on the event webpage, handouts, banners, and posters; distributing promotional or informational literature to all event participants; and providing the event results and contact information of event participants.

D. International Student Landing Page Service is defined as a Sunrise’s development of content and messaging for a Party B front-end website in Chinese or English, as well as the design and deployment of said website online.

E. Social Media Development and Management Services are defined as Sunrise’s configuration and operation of Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo and Renren profiles, including content management, outreach, and communications.

F. Chinese Newsletter Development Services is defined as a Sunrise’s development of content, messaging, and design for a Party B print or digital brochure targeted towards international students, in Chinese or English.

G. Chinese Newsletter Development Services is defined as a Sunrise’s development of content, messaging, and design for a Party B newsletter targeted towards international students, in Chinese or English.

H. Listserv Services are defined as Sunrise’s forwarding of a direct email campaign under Sunrise’s own brand or brands, endorsing Party B services to target students.


. Sunrise Obligations and Services Rendered

A. Sunrise Obligations for Student Event Invitations

1. Sunrise will provide accommodation for one Party B staff member during the two nights of the student competition event in the host city, at a 4 or 5 star-rated local or international hotel.

2. Sunrise will provide transportation to and from the hotel to the event venue to one Party B staff member.

3. Sunrise will provide breakfast and lunch for one Party B staff member for the two days of the Student Competition Event.

4. Sunrise will provide a local mobile phone usable for the duration of the event, if Party B indicates that this is desired.

5. Should Party B need ad-hoc oral English-to-Mandarin translation for immediate logistical needs or basic communication needs over the phone, Party B may call Sunrise at any time and request translation assistance up to 72 hours prior to the start of the Student Competition Event, or up to 24 hours after the conclusion of the Student Competition Event.

6. Sunrise will provide a list of regional or national-level events containing city locations and dates that PARTY B is invited to attend, from which PARTY B may select events and dates.

7. Sunrise is responsible for the acquisition of and payment for a suitable venue for the competition, either at a middle school, high school, university, conference center, or 4 or 5-star hotel located in the designated host city.

8. Sunrise is responsible for the recruitment and attendance of all competitors, judges, administrators, and trainers. Competitors must be enrolled in grades 8-12 and possess English skills sufficient to participate in an extracurricular activity conducted in English.

9. Sunrise is responsible for the smooth and on-time commencement and operation of the event. PARTY B bears no legal responsibility for the implementation and execution of each event.

10. Sunrise will produce training and promotional printed materials and PowerPoint presentations that feature PARTY B’s name and logo or seal on the front cover or front-facing surface, in the bottom-right-hand corner, unless PARTY B waives this requirement.

11. Sunrise will grant PARTY B the right to table at the event in designated spaces near the check-in desk and near the auditorium or student assembly area.

12. Sunrise will provide PARTY B with a room or lounge for making presentations to students near the primary student waiting room.

13. Sunrise will recognize PARTY B at the opening announcements and at the awards ceremony of the tournament. Sunrise will allow PARTY B to make a speech to the entire population of the event during all major ceremonies of the event and will grant PARTY B staff the right to speak to individual students in the student waiting room and make presentations in PARTY B’s presentation room. PARTY B may also allow its representatives to serve as judges of the competition.

14. Sunrise will provide PARTY B with the contact information of all competitors no later than 7 business days after the end of each event.



Sunrise Obligations for Engagement Tours

1. During both of the Student Competition Events, Sunrise will assume all responsibilities described in Article 4 A “Sunrise Obligations for Student Event Invitations”.

2. Sunrise is responsible for providing PARTY B a list of available tours containing dates and city names that PARTY B is invited to attend, from which PARTY B may select events and dates.

3. Sunrise is responsible for arranging suitable housing, either at a 4 or 5-star hotel, and transportation, either flight, coach bus or high-speed rail, between all cities included in the tour.

4. Sunrise is responsible for arranging no less than four visits to the campuses of high schools inside the cities designated.

5. Sunrise is responsible for providing PARTY B access to two Student Events.

6. Sunrise is responsible for the smooth and on-time commencement and operation of each tour.


C. Sunrise Obligations for Virtual Regional Event Invitations

1. For each event virtually sponsored by PARTY B, Sunrise will acknowledge PARTY B as a sponsoring institution on the event webpage, handouts, banners, and posters.

2. For each event virtually sponsored by PARTY B, Sunrise will distribute up to 20 pages of promotional or informational literature to all event participants.

3. For each event virtually sponsored by PARTY B, Sunrise will provide to PARTY B the event results and contact information of event participants.

D. Sunrise Obligations for Additional Services

1. PARTY A Obligations for Front End Website Development

i. If PARTY B selects Front End Website Development, then Party A must develop, design, and deploy a Party B front-end website. PARTY A must produce and translate content and messaging for one front-end website, produce a suitable website visual design, and deploy the front-end website such that the site can serve as a landing page for incoming web traffic to a PARTY B website. The front end website does not include any hosting or domain expenses. The security of the Front-End Website against hacking or attacks including but not limited to mass Distributed Denial of Service attacks is the sole responsibility of PARTY B.

ii. Within three weeks of Party A’s completion and delivery to Party B of front-end website, PARTY B may request modifications or revisions of the design, appearance, or content. Beginning on the 22nd calendar after the day of Party A’s completion and delivery to PARTY B, any modifications or revisions to the design, appearance, or content of any front-end website will be billed as one set of a Website Quarterly Update.

2. PARTY A Obligations for Newsletter Outreach Additional Service

i. If Party B selects Newsletter Outreach Additional Service, then PARTY A must relay one direct email campaign under Sunrise’s own brand or brands, endorsing PARTY B services to the number of target students selected by PARTY B.  

3. PARTY A Obligations for Social Media Development and Management Additional Service

i. If PARTY B selects Social Media Development and Management Additional Service, then PARTY A must configure and operate Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo and Renren profiles on behalf of PARTY B, including content management, outreach, communications, and maintenance, for six months.

4. PARTY A Obligations for Brochure Development

i. If PARTY B selects Brochure and Newsletter Development then PARTY A must deliver proposed brochure and newsletter designs and content within 4 weeks. PARTY B must request any changes or revision within 2 weeks of delivery.

5. PARTY A Obligations for Newsletter Development

ii. If PARTY B selects Brochure and Newsletter Development then PARTY A must deliver proposed brochure and newsletter designs and content within 3 weeks. PARTY B must request any changes or revision within 1 weeks of delivery.

6. PARTY A Obligations for Listserv Outreach

i. If PARTY B selects Listserv Outreach, then PARTY A must send a PARTY B provided message endorsing to the number of people PARTY B selected.

ii. PARTY A will target message recipients based on PARTY B’s preference in terms of academic performance, region, or interest in to study abroad.

iii. PARTY A reserve the right to request revision of PARTY B provided message in the case that content is inappropriate or potential damages PARTY A’s brand name.

7. PARTY A Obligations for Local Support Services

i. If PARTY B selects any Local Support Services such as local printed material, promotional gifts, or any additional services, PARTY A is responsible for the timely production and delivery of said goods to the relevant venue no later than the first day of the relevant venue.


A. General PARTY B Obligations

1. PARTY B must remit payment to Sunrise as described in Section 6.

2. PARTY B may not transmit, sell, trade, or convey in any way the contact information of students, teachers, or parents acquired through any Sunrise services.

3. PARTY B acknowledges that any violation of 5.A.ii shall be considered a breach of contract. Any sale, transmission, or conveyance in any way, directly, indirectly, through willful act, or act of negligence, of the contact information of students, teachers, or parents acquired through any Sunrise services shall result in PARTY B being banned without refund from any ongoing or future Sunrise events. PARTY B will be removed from any online endorsements or acknowledgements for past, present, or future Sunrise events. Sunrise reserves the right to pursue any violations of 5.A.ii to the fullest extent of the applicable privacy laws.

B. PARTY B Obligations for Student Events

1. PARTY B must comply with reasonable requests concerning the use of the logo or name of PARTY A or its affiliates and partners.

2. PARTY B can send no more than one representatives to each tournament.

3. PARTY B is legally, financially, and morally responsible for its staff and contractors at all times.

4. At least 3 weeks before the commencement of the event, PARTY B must provide all branding requirements, images, and logos necessary for them to be featured in the event banners and printed materials.

5. PARTY B is responsible for the costs of manufacturing any printed or promotional materials that it wishes to distribute at the event, unless it has also indicated that it will use a Virtual Participation Invitation.

6. PARTY B is responsible for all travel costs to and from the host city of the event, unless PARTY B is attending the Event as part of a Sunrise Student Engagement Tour.

C. PARTY B Obligations for Engagement Tour

1. PARTY B may send one representative on each Sunrise Tour. If PARTY B wishes to send additional representatives, PARTY B is required to notify Sunrise at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the tour.

2. PARTY B is legally, financially, and morally responsible for its staff and contractors at all times.

3. PARTY B is responsible for all international travel arrangements to the start city of the tour and from the end city of the tour.

D. PARTY B Obligations for Virtual Participation

1. PARTY B must submit designs for any printed materials to be distributed to students no later than 15 business days prior to the first day of distribution.

2. PARTY B acknowledges that Sunrise may need to modify the size, format, or content of PARTY B designs in order to comply with local print media standards, available material, and applicable laws and regulations.

E. PARTY B Obligations for Additional Services

1. PARTY B Obligations for Front End Website Development

i. PARTY B is required to provide prior website content, previously used brochures, and background information about PARTY B and its services.

ii. PARTY B must provide PARTY A with pictures and content suggestions that PARTY B would like to be included in any websites, newsletters, or brochures.

iii. PARTY B-provided content and websites must be compliant with the laws of the People’s Republic of China.

iv. PARTY B must provide any requirements regarding the configuration of any social media or social network profiles within one week of the execution of this agreement.

2. PARTY A Obligations for Newsletter Development Additional Service

i. PARTY B must provide PARTY A with pictures and content suggestions that PARTY B would like to be included in newsletter.

3. PARTY B Obligations for Social Media Development and Management Additional Service

i. PARTY B must provide PARTY A with pictures and content suggestions that PARTY B would like to be included in Social Media Development.

ii. PARTY B must notify PARTY A one month before suspension of service if PARTY B wishes to continue service.

4. PARTY B Obligations for Brochure and Newsletter Development

i. If PARTY B selects Brochure and Newsletter Development then PARTY A must deliver proposed brochure and newsletter designs and content within 4 weeks. PARTY B must request any changes or revision within 2 weeks of delivery.

5. PARTY B Obligations for Listserv Outreach

i. PARTY B must provide PARTY A with a message and template to send out to Listserv.’

6. PARTY B Obligations for Local Support Services

i. PARTY B must provide PARTY A with the desired logo, script, text, or designs to be featured on printed material or promotional gifts no later than 6 weeks prior to the first day of the competition or tour.  


A. Sunrise may choose to postpone, cancel, or move host cities of Events up to 30 calendar days prior to the Event. Sunrise will offer suitable replacement dates or events. If no agreement can be reached, Sunrise will refund the relevant fee to PARTY B

B. PARTY B may choose to postpone or switch the dates of virtual or Student Events for which PARTY B chooses to use its invitations to attend up to 30 calendar days prior to the Event without penalty.

C. PARTY B may choose to postpone or switch the dates of virtual or Student Events for which PARTY B chooses to use its invitations to attend up to 14 calendar days prior to the Event with a 50% penalty.

D. If PARTY B wishes to postpone or switch the dates of virtual or Student Events for which PARTY B chooses to use its invitations to attend less than 14 calendar days prior to the Event, no refund will be offered.

E. Neither party is liable for failure to perform the party's obligations if such failure is as a result of Acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalisation, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labor dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of electricity or telephone service. No party is entitled to terminate this Agreement in such circumstances.

F. If a party asserts Force Majeure as an excuse for failure to perform the party's obligation, then the nonperforming party must prove that the party took reasonable steps to minimize delay or damages caused by foreseeable events, that the party substantially fulfilled all non-excused obligations, and that the other party was timely notified of the likelihood or actual occurrence of a Force Majeure event.

G. If both Parties determine that a Force Majeure event has taken place, both Parties will work to identify a mutually acceptable replacement location, date, or event. If a mutually acceptable replacement can be identified, no penalty fees shall apply. If a mutually acceptable replacement cannot be identified, Sunrise will refund PARTY B the relevant Event sponsorship fee, minus any expenses that Sunrise can document were incurred in the fulfillment of Sunrise’s obligations to PARTY B.


A. All payments are to be processed through the online payment system immediately following registration.

B. Prices for each program are:


C. Event Participation:

1. Per Event Participation: three thousand USD ($3,000)

2. Per Tour Participation: ten thousand USD ($10,000)

3. Per Virtual Participation: one thousand USD ($1,000)

D. Additional Services:

1. Front End Website Development: fifteen thousand USD ($15,000)

2. Chinese Brochure Development: three thousand USD ($3,000)

3. Chinese Newsletter Development: one thousand USD ($1,000)

4. Sunrise Social Media Management for Six Months: fifteen thousand USD ($15,000)

5. Listserv Outreach

i. 1,000 students / per mailing: five hundred USD ($500)

ii. 3,000 students / per mailing: one thousand five hundred USD ($1,500)

iii. 5,000 students / per mailing: two thousand five hundred USD ($2,500)

iv. 10,000 students / per mailing: five thousand USD ($5,000)

6. Each locally produced and delivered brochure, up to 12 pages per brochure: six USD ($6.00)

7. Each locally produced and delivered roll up banner or sign: one hundred twenty five USD ($125)

8. Local production of 100 fliers (color, gloss paper): four dollars and fifty cents ($4.5)

9. Co-branding of all trophies of the competition: Five hundred USD ($500)

10. Break room pizza party: Six hundred USD ($600)

11. Private presentation room: One hundred USD ($100)

12. Extra hotel stay nights—at cost; no added service charge

13. Additional representative (individual events): Six hundred twenty five USD ($625)

14. Additional representative (tours): Two thousand six hundred USD ($2,600)

15. Local production and delivery of branded gifts:

i. 100 USB drives: six hundred USD ($600)

ii. 100 Pens: forty-five USD ($45)

iii. 100 Calculators (suggested for business events): three hundred fifty USD ($350)

iv. 100 Count-down timers (suggested for debate events): three hundred fifty USD ($350)

E. Event and service prices are subject to change without notice.




A. This agreement shall enter into force immediately upon execution.

B. The term of the Agreement shall end on the day after the last deliverable is made.


A. Each paragraph of this agreement shall be and remain separate from and independent of and severable from all and any other paragraphs herein except where otherwise indicated by the context of the agreement. The decision or declaration that one or more of the paragraphs are null and void shall have no effect on the remaining paragraphs of this agreement.

B. This Agreement may be altered if both Parties sign a supplemental agreement document to that effect; this supplemental document would have the same legal standing as the original contract.  Each signatory to this Agreement warrants and represents to the other and all Parties that they are fully authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement on behalf of and legally bind their designated principals.


A. Dispute Resolution In the event of a dispute, both Parties agree to work towards resolution through mutual consultation and cooperation. Should the Parties fail to come to agreement, the dispute will be settled through binding arbitration before a disinterested member of the Bar of the People’s Republic of China in the City of Beijing in accordance with the Rules of the Beijing Arbitration Committee.  No legal proceeding of any kind shall be brought within any forum within any venue other than to enforce any arbitration award.  

B. Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by the substantive law of the People’s Republic of China.