In April, Sunrise Tours embarked on an exceptional recruitment tour throughout China. Over a span of two weeks, we dedicated our time to visiting 22 international schools, immersing ourselves in an experience that offered invaluable insights into the remarkable transformations following China's reopening. This immersive journey not only facilitated connections with over 2,000 prospective students but also granted us firsthand knowledge of the latest changes and updates within China's dynamic education landscape.

Revival of In-Person College Fairs Brings Joy and Optimism to Schools and Parents

After enduring three challenging years amidst the COVID-19 era, some schools are now witnessing the triumphant resurgence of offline, in-person college fairs. The sheer absence of lingering pandemic restrictions during our journey filled us with an overwhelming sense of joy. The return to a semblance of normalcy has been met with open arms by counselors and school authorities, who exuberantly celebrate our presence. Schools are now brimming with excitement and anticipation as students wholeheartedly engage in college fairs, seizing the invaluable opportunity before them.

The tour's success extends beyond the students alone; it extends to the parents who accompany them. Although not a requirement on our part, we were delighted to find that many high schools proactively invited parents to join the college fairs. This extension of invitation provided parents with a unique chance to directly engage with international admission officers, granting them a valuable opportunity to acquire up-to-date and firsthand information regarding the admission process, policies, and updates. The fervor exhibited by parents mirrored that of the students, as they too eagerly awaited such an occasion.

Insights shared by school counselors during our tour shed light on the encouraging recovery of the International Education Market. Gradually, schools are witnessing a resurgence, evident in the escalating number of inquiries from parents regarding enrollment. The counselors harbor hope for a significant bounce back from the pandemic's impact, as the gradual rise instills optimism in them.

Student Study Destination Preferences: North America Dominates, with Emerging Interest in East Asia

A survey conducted of over 1,000 students during our tour unveiled compelling revelations about their desired study destinations. Strikingly, the majority of students we encountered exhibited unwavering aspirations, with minimal changes observed in their preferred study destinations compared to the pre-pandemic era. The survey results indicated that 41% of the students expressed a fervent desire to study in the United States, while 17% aimed for Canada. Combining these figures, we deduced that approximately 60% of students still harbor ambitions of pursuing their education in North America. 

However, our survey also unveiled an emerging trend as students consider alternative study options in East Asia. Countries such as South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Macau have attracted attention, largely influenced by parental concerns regarding proximity to home and safety. Consequently, some students have shifted their focus to study opportunities in these nearby locations.

Nevertheless, it is evident that the US, UK, and Canada remain the top-tier study destinations for students. The unwavering preference for these countries can be attributed to various factors, including esteemed educational institutions, diverse academic offerings, and global recognition of their degree programs. 

Welcome Back and Join Us in the Upcoming Fall Tours

In a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, it is crucial to seize every opportunity to engage with students and make a lasting impression. We cordially invite you to return to China, where our recent countrywide tour uncovered tremendous enthusiasm and anticipation among Chinese students. Join us this fall in reigniting your presence and connecting with these eager and ambitious students who excitedly await the opportunity to engage with your institution. Contact us today and take the next step to discover how Sunrise Tours can help your institution stay ahead of the curve.